This really got me thinking...
- Talk nicely to your plants = you probably talk nicely to yourself too.
- Water your plants regularly = you probably take care of your health as well: eating well, lots of rest, regular checkups, etc.
- Underwater your plants = you might be stressed and/or overworked
- Overwater your plants = you might be distracted and/or not paying attention to details in your life
- Plastic plants = ummm... I would rather not go there.
- No plants or worse, dead ones? Seek help immediately!
One of the things that really helped me in my task was this contraption:
It is a water-sensor! This sucker was only $6 at the hardware store and no, I don't feel bad about spending the money because hey, my plants are WORTH IT! (This is starting to sound like a really bad pep talk).
Anyway, just for fun, I have decided that I am going to name each of the plants as well, and that's where you come in. All you need to do is go to my facebook page, and post your name suggestions for each one under its picture. When the 'contest' ends, I will post the winners and each of my plants will get a placard with its new name and the person's name who suggested it. I know, I know, it is kind of silly, but get over it and get creative!
I will pick names by Tuesday, March 1.