Being present - surviving (no, thriving) despite the Lulu Lemon insanity
Forgetting that today was still a statutory holiday (since New Years day fell on a Sunday), Jody and I decided to brave the crowds in the city and go shopping (yes, I freely acknowledge that we are crazy!) Now, it should be said (as if I haven't said it enough) that shopping is NOT my thing, but hey, it is good to push one's limits once in a while right? As expected, it was very, very busy at the mall.
Not my image - but you get the idea! |
One of the stops that we had to make was Lulu Lemon -- which is a busy place on an average day so you can just imagine what it was like on a stat. You could hardly walk in there! This is normally a situation that would send me running for the hills, but given that Jody lives out of town and it was her only opportunity to get what she wanted there, it was apparent that I needed to keep my cool. So, I found an inconspicuous spot to stand still and take it all in. What I found is that by simply being present it allowed me to shift what would have normally been a difficult situation for me into one that was totally manageable... maybe even pleasant.
Day 26: Jan 3
Chephren pushes our buttons - that's a gift right?
I literally spent most of today wondering where the heck all of my gifts from the Universe were, as a dark cloud descended on the Hasse household. My son Chephren is a wonderful child, a true gift, but today he woke up with a mission: to make our lives miserable! Let's just say that our day was pretty much shot when it took us approximately six hours (yes, six) to get him into his pants. The situation was only made worse for me by the fact that my dear friend Jody's angelic vision of Chephren was shattered into a million pieces before my eyes. And yet, the situation was entirely perfect... it just took us most of the day to see the gifts that were right in front of us! You see, I truly believe that when someone pushes your buttons (or stomps on them as the case was for us today), it is an opportunity for healing something within. By being present and truly aware of what is happening inside of you - and simply identifying why the situation is bothering you so much, you can address whatever 'issue' comes up. I won't share Jody's healing bits here (we call them onions by the way), but I will say that for me, it fully helped me to address my 'worry what everyone else thinks of my parenting' onion. By having Chephren act in this way in front of one of my best friends, and to have her still love both of us and want to be around us is a HUGE GIFT! And that particular onion shrinks down by a few layers...
Day 27: Jan 4
If the weather was like this in Canada all of the time, I would never contemplate moving to a warmer climate!
+ 8 degrees Celsius and sunny, in JANUARY! ...enough said.
A local media shot from today... |
Day 28: Jan 5
Yesterday I drove Jody back to her home in Canmore. We had a lovely evening poking in the cute little shops and enjoyed a lovely dinner. I had an amazing sleep last night and after grabbing a quick breakie I started to make the journey home. The road conditions were unbelievable, making the journey not only safe but enjoyable.
Day 29: Jan 6
Indian food - Ayurveda
Inspired to cook in my new, beautiful kitchen, I decided to prepare in Indian Feast - Ayurvedic style! To my surprise, my entire family really appreciated and enjoyed it, despite the fact that there was no meat involved whatsoever :) I think that they were as surprised by this as I was!
Day 30: Jan 7
Building a yoga community
Now that I am living in town, I feel much more connected to my yoga studio and significantly more willing and able to both teach and attend classes there. I taught two classes there this morning and have started to really get to know my students and build community. I feel like building a yoga community is hugely important and I feel grateful at my new-found ability to do so!
Day 31: Jan 8
Best of the Banff Mountain Film Festival
Today my parents, Trent and I attended the 'Best of the Banff: World tour' - something that we have done every January for the past 7 years! The film festival happens every November in Banff, AB and then they choose the 'Best of the Banff' films, compile them into a 3-4 hour film medley and take it on the road. It is an absolutely fantastic event that always leaves us humbled and inspired. This year was no exception - one film in particular touched me deeply - 'Kadoma'. If you ever have a chance to see this film, I would strongly recommend it!
Day 32: Jan 9
Today is the last day of The Receiving Project (YAY, I actually finished something that I started!) and my gift for today would have to be the project itself. What an awesome exercise in learning to authentically open myself to receiving -- something that I have always struggled with. It has had a transformative effect on me -- which I believe will be a lasting change. Thank you to the creator of this project Jo Anna Rothman - YOU are a gift and an inspiration to many! May you continue teaching and inspiring others!
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