Sunday, January 24, 2010

Kijiji Tips and Tricks

You knew it was going to come up eventually. Kijii. Ahhhhhhh, Kijiji. How did we ever survive before the invention of Kijiji (or Craig's list)? So, today, I am going to help you, the buyer, navigate this amazing money-saving, landfill-avoiding, recycling of objects resource.

Now, well my use of this site has admittedly been somewhat limited in the past, my husband is a Kijiji expert. He spends pretty much every spare minute of his life on there. He would rather 'Kijiji' for ANYTHING, than do most other things.... and no, I am not going to give you an example, because it would hurt my ego!

So, my 'guest writer' for the day is the industrious Trent. Here are some of his Kijiji tips:
  • Be open-minded: you might find a great deal on something that you weren't expecting. For example, if you have your heart set on a certain brand name, you might miss out on a similar product that is a great deal. He used snowmobiles as an example (barf!), but say you wanted to buy a Yamaha, you shouldn't discount the Bombariers or the Artic Cats either.
  • Check back often: new items are posted all day, every day, and the best deals are what sell the fastest. If you don't have time to sit around all day (like Trent) and 'surf' Kijiji', then the site does allow you to set up alerts for specific search terms that you can input.
  • Don't hesitate: if you find that you know is a good deal, 'pull the trigger' (him talking, not me), because somebody else is out there looking for the exact same thing.
  • See what else the seller is selling: this one is great for moms out there because often another mom is selling a lot of different baby/kid items and you can pick up more than one item up in one trip!
  • Change up your search terms: sometimes the seller might have a different idea of what terminology might be used to describe the item. For instance, I am currently looking for manufactured stone for the unfinished fireplace downstairs, therefore I searched under 'rock', 'stone' and 'fireplace', getting different results for each category.
That is all that we could come up with for today, but if we think of others, we'll let you know. Also, if you are new to Kijiji, here is the link: Just select your desired city and away you go!
Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without. -- New England proverb
Marebear :)
P.S. The basement project is well underway and I can't wait to share the results with you in pictures!

1 comment:

  1. hey Mare!
    You could check out this site too. its Regina version is heavily used, and theres always lots of great stuff!

    Im sure you are planning on hitting up your local 're-store' (I think Habitat for Humanity has those in Edm too)...TREASURES to be found!
    Cant wait to see your progress!
