Monday, February 15, 2010

What? It was Valentine's Day? I must have missed it... DARN!

What a great weekend!  First of all, I made it through what is perhaps the second-most overcommercialized holiday without any EXCESS!  Of course, I am referring to Valentine's day, a holiday that has never held a special place in my life, or that of my husband's.  And yes, we like it that way.  No pressure, no expectations, no over-priced chocolates or flowers, and no waiting in line at an expensive restaurant for dinner.  Trust me, it really is a joy to not be a part of this peculiar holiday.  After all, why do we need a particular day to remind us that we need to tell our loved ones that we love them?  Shouldn't we try to do this all year round?  I know that my husband makes me feel special almost every day of the year... after all, he's my lobster!  (and we all know that lobsters mate for life...)

Anyway, we followed up a blissfully unremarkable Valentines day with a great family day... a day that I think should be a holiday for every Canadian.  To me, it is simply a time to spend with those that you love, doing what it is that you love to do together.  Trent, Chephren & I, along with some friends and my dad went wall climbing for the afternoon.  Trent and I climbed, and Chephren ran around the gym like a wildman!  He had so much fun, it was just awesome to see.  Of course, we followed this great afternoon up with a wonderful dinner with my parents, but of course, we don't need a holiday to do that!  We are very blessed in that we get to do that with them almost every day.  Lucky, lucky, lucky are we!

Not too much else to report.  I am still trucking along with the elements of the 'plan': careful meal planning, making my own bread, soup nights, salad nights, second-hand goods, etc.  I wouldn't say that all of this has become second nature yet, but it is becoming a bit easier as the weeks go on.  I can honestly say that I'm not longing for anything as of yet, except for perhaps the instant gratification that comes with the purchasing of long sought-after items.  For instance, I am still looking for some second-hand stone for our fireplace downstairs, otherwise, the room is done and looks pretty great!  If anyone has some stone lying around, let me know!!!

Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one. ~Jane Howard

Well said Jane!

Happy Family Day Alberta!

Marebare :)

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